Console Commands

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Revision as of 05:16, 30 April 2015 by Hexzyle (Talk | contribs) (/whisper command)

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Commands in red are restricted to moderators. Use /mod to access them.

Command Function
/cycle Forces the server to cycle to the next map.
/dp # Drop Packets debug tool: Drops # out of every 10 packets. # must be an integer in the range 0-9
/dropship Spawns a Dropship.
/fps Toggle FPS counter
Returns the current volume levels.
/help Will list some of the common commands
/kick # Kicks a player with an ID matching #. Player IDs are displayed on the score list.
Kills the player. May induce a monetary penalty depending on server settings.
/mod <password> Log into the server as a moderator. The password is set in serverSettings.txt
/mute # Mutes a player with an ID matching #. Player IDs are displayed on the score list.
Toggles voice chat mode between Push to Talk and Push to Mute
/restart Resets the dropship status, players, scores, and the time. Map status is not altered.
Returns the penalty settings for the server
/serverip Returns the IP of the current server.
/setcutoff #
/cutoff #
Sets minimum volume that will trigger voice activated transmission. # must be a value in the range 0-1. Default is .003.
/setscore <id> <score>
/setpoints <id> <score>
Sets a player's score to the specified amount. Player IDs are visible to the moderator in the score list.
Toggles Spectator mode for the player
/serverip Returns the IP of the server you are connected to
/w <message> Whispers a private message to nearby bunnies. Robosaru cannot use the whisper command, but has ways of intercepting whispers.

Deprecated Commands

These commands were removed in 26r0 as their function is instead performed by the GUI.

Command Function
/invertRoboY Toggles the inversion of Robosaru's Y axis
/invertPlayerY Toggles the inversion of the Bunny's Y axis
/invertSpectatorY Toggles the inversion of the Spectator's Y axis
/sensitivityX # Sets the horizontal mouse sensitivity to #. # must be a value in the range 0-1
/sensitivityY # Sets the vertical mouse sensitivity to #. # must be a value in the range 0-1
/sensitivity # Sets the mouse sensitivity to #. # must be a value in the range 0-1
/volume <#>
/vol <#>
Controls master volume. # must be a value in the range 0-1. If no argument is present, toggles mute.
/voicevolume #
/vvol #
Controls voice chat volume. # must be a value in the range 0-1.
Mutes your microphone
/mics Returns an index of available microphones for voice chat.
/setmic # Sets the current microphone. # must be a valid value returned by /mics.