Console Commands

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Revision as of 05:06, 30 April 2015 by Hexzyle (Talk | contribs) (mute command added)

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Commands in red are restricted to moderators. Use /mod to access them.

Command Function
/cycle Forces the server to cycle to the next map.
/dp # Drop Packets debug tool: Drops # out of every 10 packets. # must be an integer in the range 0-9
/dropship Spawns a Dropship.
/fps Toggle FPS counter
Returns the current volume levels.
/help Will list some of the common commands
/kick # Kicks a player with an ID matching #. Player IDs are displayed on the score list.
Kills the player. May induce a monetary penalty depending on server settings.
/mod <password> Log into the server as a moderator. The password is set in serverSettings.txt
/mute # Mutes a player with an ID matching #. Player IDs are displayed on the score list.
Toggles voice chat mode between Push to Talk and Push to Mute
/restart Resets the dropship status, players, scores, and the time. Map status is not altered.
Returns the penalty settings for the server
/serverip Returns the IP of the current server.
/setcutoff #
/cutoff #
Sets minimum volume that will trigger voice activated transmission. # must be a value in the range 0-1. Default is .003.
/setscore <id> <score>
/setpoints <id> <score>
Sets a player's score to the specified amount. Player IDs are visible to the moderator in the score list.
Toggles Spectator mode for the player
/serverip Returns the IP of the server you are connected to

Deprecated Commands

These commands were removed in 26r0 as their function is instead performed by the GUI.

Command Function
/invertRoboY Toggles the inversion of Robosaru's Y axis
/invertPlayerY Toggles the inversion of the Bunny's Y axis
/invertSpectatorY Toggles the inversion of the Spectator's Y axis
/sensitivityX # Sets the horizontal mouse sensitivity to #. # must be a value in the range 0-1
/sensitivityY # Sets the vertical mouse sensitivity to #. # must be a value in the range 0-1
/sensitivity # Sets the mouse sensitivity to #. # must be a value in the range 0-1
/volume <#>
/vol <#>
Controls master volume. # must be a value in the range 0-1. If no argument is present, toggles mute.
/voicevolume #
/vvol #
Controls voice chat volume. # must be a value in the range 0-1.
Mutes your microphone
/mics Returns an index of available microphones for voice chat.
/setmic # Sets the current microphone. # must be a valid value returned by /mics.